November 1, 2020

The only thing stronger than a pandemic and a super typhoon is the spirit of Halloween.
It may be celebrated in a different way this year but costumes and candies will always be there.

A group of friends from the neighbourhood of Buenavista Subdivision, Silay City celebrated Halloween with a spooky vibe and eerie costumes!
"This was basically Chessy's idea (Anil Kasana's daughter). Chessy decided that she's going to put paint and costumes to celebrate the Halloween together with her cousins and friends", said Anil Kasana, the one who organized the party.

"The only thing you should keep in mind is social distancing, don't come close to each other and you can celebrate easily", he added when he was asked about the risks of celebrating the Halloween amid the pandemic.
It only proves that even in times of crisis, Filipinos always has its way to celebrate this special holiday. We as Filipinos we always look at the silver lining despite these trying times, this can be seen through the faces of these kids, and truly this holiday has always been in the heart of all.
Photos captured by Cherry Queen Sianosa
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